Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 9, 2014

Hi guys! I already showed you the awesome DRK XL Designer plate the other day, but I received another plate with one huge image on it, the Themes-SF plate. This plate was made to honor Saint Francis of Assisi, who is known as the patron saint of animals. Well, to be honest, I don't think I ever heard of him before, but you know I love animals too, haha! And I had no idea either that October 4 World Animal Day was his feast day! :) DRK Nails donates $2 of each sold Themes-SF plate to an animal organization (SUIPA), which unfortunately I can't tell you much about, since I don't speak Portugese (I'll spare you the Google Translate ^^). But I think it's absolutely wonderful that DRK Nails does this! You can find more information about this plate on their site. Anyway, let's look at my mani, shall we?

Catrice Steel My Heart with China Glaze Adore and DRK Nails Themes-SF.

Catrice Steel My Heart with China Glaze Adore and DRK Nails Themes-SF.

Catrice Steel My Heart with China Glaze Adore and DRK Nails Themes-SF.

I went with a metal effect basecolor and didn't use top coat on it, and picked a finer lined image to see how it transfers. And yes, the quality of this plate is fantastic; crisp clean image, sturdy white back, loads of images or combinations to choose from! You can click the image below for an enlargement, and since it's about the patron saint of animals, I figured I could use this "failed" photo with Dewey, haha!

clickable for an enlargement
clickable for an enlargement
But since he can be a bit of a distraction from the plate, here's the bottompart again, now without Dewdew :)

When I first looked at the plate, I thought 'wow that's quite a few faces and entire people on it' and I wasn't fully sure about that to be honest. But once I had a closer look, I started seeing more and more options. Like the collarpart of the man's clothes, it's a stitched together image. Near his arms, thin stripes. Or go for the thicker stripes of his robe, ... The plate also contains some animals, I see a knight on his horse, and near Dewdew's face are dog heads, butterflies, birds and dragonflies.
And you can also use just a tiny part of big images like this one. I haven't tried it myself though, but I think that if you have cotton swabs with remover nearby to quickly take everything off your stamper that you don't want, it'll work. Or cut a piece of paper with just enough room for the image that you want and place that over it, before doing the usual scrape and stamping. Or tape off the plate, scrape, remove tape, then stamp... yeah, I'll have to mess with that sometime, see what works best :)

I'm impressed with these full image plates from DRK Nails, and I can't wait to see what else they'll come up with! You can find all their plates here. What do you think of this plate, and have you ever tried to grab just a tiny part of an image? If so, tips are welcome! :) Have a great weekend and thanks for looking ♥

The product(s) in this post was/were send to me for review. For more information, please have a look at my Disclosure Policy.

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